Well here is my new blog entry for today! The internet is down at school so I’m typing this in word right now. This blows.
Well Valentine’s Day was fun. For the most part. I still fell asleep crying though. When will this shit stop? I can’t take it anymore. I cry because I’m not with my mate, but then I cry because if I go to my mate then I will lose my love. What is this shit? Such a dilemma. But I realized last night why the decision is so hard. Andrew is my heart and Chris is my soul. How do I choose between the two without losing everything else? Answer: I cant. So I believe that I have made my decision by leaving both. I don’t want to have to choose. So that’s my only option… I die a little each day because I don’t have chris and sometime when I lay with Andrew all I can think about afterwards is chris. And it kills me. Cause Andrew has given me everything and I cant seem to give him all of me.
Well that’s all for now. Found internet connection. Hopefully writing this out will help me think through my problems better. Hopefully.
i cant live without you. i need you. ive made a huge mistake. i love you
Its going to be a choice regardless of whether or not you want it to be. Even if you did leave the both of them, how long would that last? Eventually you would find yourself yearning one or the other, or both yet again. Choice is what it comes down to. Its the hard truth. And don't fool yourself, you've already chosen. You just haven't gone through with it yet.
The Phantom
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