1. Failing my classes
2. Not going to classes
3. Stole money from my parents
4. Not strong enough to make myself cold
5. Having to choose between the loves of my life
6. Don't have a job
7. Not interested in getting a job
8. Running out of money
9. I don't feel physically appealing
10. And i don't know how to fix one problem without making another one worse...
It's like I have come to a cross roads in my life and on the left is this gorgeous, clear, safe, warm path thats appealing to all that come to it. There would be no worries if i came to this path, no hurt, no heartbreak. but on the right, is the dark,enchanted,magical path that has no pre-set answers.

Now generally, if in real life i came to these paths i would pick the one on the right. the magical one. but i know that if i picked it now I would end up being consumed by it and becoming apart of the path itself. Becoming part of nature. And i would absolutely love that. But nature can be unforgiving and dangerous. There is no certainty that i would come out on the other side. and if i did end up coming out on the other side, i can almost guarantee that i would be a different person, in a bad way.

If i took the path to the left i would always know the answer, always know the ending. i would be amazingly happy for all time while going down that path. but I would miss the mystery, the passion, the unyielding animalistic drive. But I know that i would always be happy.
What do i do?
1 comment:
Don't go left or right. Beat out your own path. But if you can't do that, then take a rest. But be weary. If you go left it will be as you say... but there is a problem. The bright, certain road will always run parallel with the other. And the darker, more mysterious road will always tempt you. You may make a decision now, but there will always be another fork in the road a little further on.
In simple terms, your decision is final. But the outcome in any decision is never certain.
-The Phantom
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