You have given me my happiness back. and through a wonderful man. i knew if i prayed enough he would come. I cant begin to describe my last few days. HAYAT SAYS I HAVE BEEN GLOWING. :) *blush* OK... Let me give you an idea about this guy. Just by talking to him on Friday before fair I had changed the course of my life. To better suit him. And so not to disgrace him. I am not moving into Ron's Apartment. I'm going to classes more, I'm not letting other men touch me at all. And for those who know me, that's a big thing. huge. I was afraid that it would be considered cheating if i got a hug from a guy. That's how much I care for him. He is the antidote for my sickness. And I have been sick for a long time.
*Blushes again* oh ii cant stop thinking about him. I wore his shirt last night to the party and it smells like him. :) I cant get his face out of my head. Whenever i start talking about him to people i start crying cause I'm so happy. An I'm happy that I'm happy so its an amazing cycle that just make me happier. :)I don't want anyone but him. For the first time in a long time i got that territorial feeling again. I'm also happy about that. But its the fact that i can feel something. anything at all. I dont want any other woman touching him. Ever. Except me. :) God i sound psycho.
I dont think i have ever been so happy. He has brought me back from the dead. he really has. And on top of that he has brought back a better me than when i was once alive. I am a phoenix. :):):)
Congrats love... glad someone succeeded where I failed *smiles* I hope you keep your happiness. I truly do.
Of course she will. I believe that. I will always feel gratitude towards this man, for he brought back my dearest friend from the brink. I finally see that glow, that starlight in your eyes that was gone for so long. Your alive again because of him, and for that I am forever in his debt.
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