Tuesday, June 10, 2008

How did I not Notice

When you kicked in my door
and tore down my walls
I kneeled at your feet
in admiration
When you gave me
my purpose
I in took a
sigh of relief
but days go by
An feelings become
and I cant help
but remember
When I ran my own
no purpose

Once upon a time there was a girl. and she was the prettiest girl in the land
Everyone wanted her and her beautiful looks. Some loathed and some loved her beauty. But She could not hide from herself the hate and sadness that came from being beautiful. Her soul slowly died, but her beauty never faded And when Princes would come to take her away from this life she hated, She looked down on them with an up turned nose. Until one night while she was sleeping, she was stolen away by a neighboring enemy. They had cut her hair and threw away her clothes and left her with nothing but her empty soul. The cage was dark and damp. no mirrors. No windows. And for the first time in her beautiful life, she finally took a sigh of relief...

1 comment:

Hayat said...

A sense of freedom at last?