Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A punch in the Gut...

I guess all i can say is thank you.
I have been humbled
My eyes have been opened
My soul was finally scorned by its reflection
Death and tar fall off my heart
It tries to weigh me down
But determination fills me
And i see a hand above me
Instincts over ride caution
I take the hand
And for once
I can

"Life and death, energy and peace. If I stop today it was still worth it. Even the terrible mistakes that I made and would have unmade if I could. The pains that have burned me and scarred my soul, it was worth it, for having been allowed to walk where I've walked, which was to hell on earth, heaven on earth, back again, into, under, far in between, through it, in it, and above. " -Gia-

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